Incomplete Burn-out


Defect Type



Smooth irregular shaped voids generally in or just under the cast surface usually irregular in outline but tending to assume a spherical or wormlike shape. The casting surface may exhibit a matte finish in the area of the defect


1 to 4 mm

Typical Location

Sections of mold that don’t drain during dewax. Areas of mold that are densely packed when shell built.

Similar to



Method for defect determination

Gas tends to be on the upper surface or the part during casting. Metal mold reaction is located where the carbon does not burn out


During casting, residual carbon in the mold remaining from incomplete burnout react with molten metal producing CO. The CO, in the form of a gas bubble, prevents the metal from filling the area


Other (Mold design) Poor wax drainage

Orient the parts to allow for a high level of wax drainage from the mold

Other (Mold design) Patterns too close

Increase spacing between patterns to prevent shell bridging

Wax Patterns too close

Increase spacing between patterns to prevent shell bridging

Shell Incomplete wax removal

Insure the dewax cycle time is adequate to remove all of the wax

Foundry Short mold burn-out time

Increase burnout time

Foundry Insufficient air circulation in the mold

Place molds on stand or ribbed hearth plate

Foundry Low oxygen level in the burnout furnace

Increase excess air

Foundry Contamination of the mold

Rinse mold and/or cover pour cup to prevent contamination