Flow Lines / Knit Lines

Section 1 List


Defect Type



Shallow lines, series of wave-like depressions



Typical Location

Flat or curves surfaces


Ripples, wrinkles

Method for defect determination

Visual inspection


Combination of wax viscosity, pressure, and flow characteristics cause interaction with die surfaces


Equipment Out of calibration

See Best Practices Section

Equipment Cold wax

Increase wax temperature

Equipment Wax flow rate

Adjust flow rate as required

Equipment Low injection pressure

Increase injection pressure.

Equipment Cold die

Change die temperature. Turn platen water temperature off or adjust die temperature controller settings.

Equipment Low acceleration – machine unable to achieve proper flow rate. (Machines equipped with electronic injection control)

Review acceleration setting. Increase acceleration setting to correspond better with wax flow rate. Increase injection pressure to achieve desired flow.

Equipment Cold wax in nozzle

Increase nozzle temperature to ensure consistency with desired temperature.

Pattern Die Injection runner design

Review location of runner. Use single injection port and straight and short runners if possible. Complex injection port can prevent proper flow of wax into cavity

Pattern Die Poor venting in die

Clean vents or add vents as necessary. Ensure clamp pressure is appropriate – see Best Practices section

Other Excessive mold release

Clean die and ensure minimal amount of mold