

Defect Type

Positive (with corresponding negative)


Sharp or irregular positive defect normally accompanied by a negative defect (inclusion) from the ceramic that has “spalled” off and appears somewhere else on the casting.



Typical Location

Detailed areas such as depressed lettering, score lines, teeth, tight slots, fillets or sharp corners

Similar to

Spalling, prime coat spall, pre-coat spall, letters and numbers, undercuts

Method for defect determination

Visual Inspection


The layer to layer bond in the shell construction is not strong enough and the ceramic fractures off the mold surface during dewaxing, mold preheating or casting and falls into the mold cavity


Shell Excessive 1st layer slurry that results in weak inter layer shell construction

Fully drain slurry coats

Shell Incomplete 1st layer dry that results in weak inter layer shell construction

Extend prime slurry dry time

Shell Excessive pre-wet that results in weak inter layer shell construction

Fully drain pre-wet to matte finish

Shell Prime coat stucco too fine that results in weak inter layer shell construction

Skim fines/dust from the fluid bed or screen out, use coarser stucco

Shell Low primary slurry binder level

Check SiO2 level of primary slurry

Shell Prime slurry binder gelling

Conduct gel test on primary slurry binder

Shell Poor stucco adhesion

Insure the slurry is not drying before stucco, eliminate stucco rub off, blow off loose stucco

Shell Prime coat slurry too thick

Reduce prime coat viscosity

Shell Etch too strong

Reduce etch time, etch strength or increase time from etch to 1st layer application

Shell Thermal expansion mismatch

Use refractories that have similar thermal expansion characteristics