Prime Coat Lift


Defect Type



Island of surplus metal often associated with flash at the casting edge. The edge of the defect has the appearance of a coastline


Typical Location

Sharp corners adjacent to flat or featureless surfaces

Similar to

Primary coat buckle, investment penetration

Method for defect determination

With prime coat lift, the shell also fractures, allowing the backup layers to fill the gap between the primary layer and the wax pattern. When a shell buckles, it only separates from the pattern.


During shell building, the primary coat cracks and lifts off the pattern. Subsequent slurry layers penetrate and fill the gap between the  pattern and the primary coat. This defect is a close cousin to buckle


Wax Wax pattern temperature not stable

Ensure the wax pattern has stabilized in temperature before applying shell layers

Shell Poor adhesion of the prime coat to the wax pattern

Increase the etch strength or etch time. Reduce the time from etch to 1st layer application

Shell Large temperature drop when applying 2nd layer

Increase the room humidity

Shell Large temperature variation during prime coat drying

Maintain +/- 3 F in the dipping and drying area

Shell Drying too long

Shorten the dry time

Shell Drying too fast (large pattern shrinkage)

Increase the room humidity or reduce airflow

Shell Primary coat binder is gelled

Test the primary coat binder to determine if it is gelled

Shell Uneven primary coating thickness giving rise to variable rates of drying

Modify the draining technique to produce a more uniform slurry coverage

Shell Slurry dry out on sharp edges

Shorten the draining time, increase the humidity in the shell dipping area

Shell Poor adhesion and elasticity properties of the primary slurry

Green strength additives in the primary slurry becoming unstable or ineffective