Cold Shut


Defect Type



Smooth, linear, shallow, rounded edged impression extending into feature wall. This defect takes the form of a crack or discontinuity in the surface with rounded edges indicating the freezing or solidification of two or more streams of metal before they had time to completely fuse together.



Typical Location

Thin sections or areas furthest away from gate where two metal fronts meet.

Similar to

Cold Shot, Short Fill

Method for defect determination

Penetrant inspection, visual inspection, metallographic inspection for evidence of non-bonding along line below cast surface. A wax knit line will have not extend below cast surface ceramic in the junction.


Incomplete bonding of two metal fronts


Foundry Metal not hot enough

Increase metal superheat

Foundry Mold not hot enough

Increase mold temperature/ increase or add mold insulation

Foundry For air cast, mold not permeable resulting in backpressure/trapping air that slows metal fill time

Reduce shell thickness or gating design to fill pattern cavity from more locations. Add vents.

Foundry Poor metal fluidity

Consider modifications to alloy composition

Foundry Slow metal pour rate

Increase pour rate

Foundry Interrupted pour

Maintain a steady pour rate until mold is full